Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Odor

  • 2

    Preparing and Handling Odor

    • Preparing and Storing Nose Work Odors by NACSW Guidelines

    • Contamination

    • Where to Purchase Supplies

    • Scent Mixtures or Cocktails

    • Essential Oil Toxicity

  • 3

    Canine Olfactory

    • Anatomy and Function of the Canine Nose

    • Importance of Mucus and Sniffing

    • What is Scent?

  • 4

    Week 1 - Introducing Odor (Birch)

    • Week 1 - Homework assignment

  • 5

    Week 2 - Odor Games

    • Leash lengths - It Depends!

    • Leash Handling

    • Box Games

    • Puzzles

    • Week 2 - Homework assignment

  • 6

    Week 3 - Introducing the scent tubes

    • Various Odor Containers/ Vessels

    • Introducing the Scent Tube

    • Week 3 - Homework assignment

  • 7

    Week 4 - Introducing the 3 "D's"

    • The 3 "D's" - Duration, Distraction and Distance

    • The Indication - Trained or Natural behavior

    • Nose Freeze (Optional)

    • Need Additional Odor Foundation?

    • Week 4 - Homework assignment 1 Duration

    • Week 4 - Homework assignment 2 Distraction

  • 8

    Week 5 - Fun and Games

    • Step 3 - Distance

    • Pawing Boxes

    • Search Games

    • False Alert

    • Generalization

    • Week 5 - Homework assignment